esp = recaptcha_check_answer($modSettings['recaptcha_private_key'], $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $_POST["recaptcha_challenge_field"], $_POST["recaptcha_response_field"]); if (!$resp->is_valid) fatal_lang_error('visual_verification_failed', false); } else fatal_lang_error('visual_verification_failed', false); } elseif ((empty($modSettings['disable_visual_verification']) || $modSettings['disable_visual_verification'] != 1) && (empty($_REQUEST['visual_verification_code']) || strtoupper($_REQUEST['visual_verification_code']) !== $_SESSION['visual_verification_code'])) { $_SESSION['visual_errors'] = isset($_SESSION['visual_errors']) ? $_SESSION['visual_errors'] + 1 : 1; if ($_SESSION['visual_errors'] > 3 && isset($_SESSION['visual_verification_code'])) unset($_SESSION['visual_verification_code']); fatal_lang_error('visual_verification_failed', false); } elseif (isset($_SESSION['visual_errors'])) unset($_SESSION['visual_errors']); // Collect all extra registration fields someone might have filled in. $possible_strings = array( 'websiteUrl', 'websiteTitle', 'AIM', 'YIM', 'location', 'birthdate', 'timeFormat', 'buddy_list', 'pm_ignore_list', 'smileySet', 'signature', 'personalText', 'avatar', 'lngfile', 'secretQuestion', 'secretAnswer', ); $possible_ints = array( 'pm_email_notify', 'notifyTypes', 'ICQ', 'gender', 'ID_THEME', ); $possible_floats = array( 'timeOffset', ); $possible_bools = array( 'notifyAnnouncements', 'notifyOnce', 'notifySendBody', 'hideEmail', 'showOnline', ); if (isset($_POST['secretAnswer']) && $_POST['secretAnswer'] != '') $_POST['secretAnswer'] = md5($_POST['secretAnswer']); // Needed for isReservedName() and registerMember(). require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Members.php'); // Validation... even if we're not a mall. if (isset($_POST['realName']) && (!empty($modSettings['allow_editDisplayName']) || allowedTo('moderate_forum'))) { $_POST['realName'] = trim(preg_replace('~[\s]~' . ($context['utf8'] ? 'u' : ''), ' ', $_POST['realName'])); if (trim($_POST['realName']) != '' && !isReservedName($_POST['realName']) && $func['strlen']($_POST['realName']) <= 60) $possible_strings[] = 'realName'; } if (isset($_POST['MSN']) && preg_match('~^[0-9A-Za-z=_+\-/][0-9A-Za-z=_\'+\-/\.]*@[\w\-]+(\.[\w\-]+)*(\.[\w]{2,6})$~', $_POST['MSN']) != 0) $profile_strings[] = 'MSN'; // Handle a string as a birthdate... if (isset($_POST['birthdate']) && $_POST['birthdate'] != '') $_POST['birthdate'] = strftime('%Y-%m-%d', strtotime($_POST['birthdate'])); // Or birthdate parts... elseif (!empty($_POST['bday1']) && !empty($_POST['bday2'])) $_POST['birthdate'] = sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', empty($_POST['bday3']) ? 0 : (int) $_POST['bday3'], (int) $_POST['bday1'], (int) $_POST['bday2']); // Validate the passed langauge file. if (isset($_POST['lngfile']) && !empty($modSettings['userLanguage'])) { $language_directories = array( $settings['default_theme_dir'] . '/languages', $settings['actual_theme_dir'] . '/languages', ); if (!empty($settings['base_theme_dir'])) $language_directories[] = $settings['base_theme_dir'] . '/languages'; $language_directories = array_unique($language_directories); foreach ($language_directories as $language_dir) { if (!file_exists($language_dir)) continue; $dir = dir($language_dir); while ($entry = $dir->read()) if (preg_match('~^index\.(.+)\.php$~', $entry, $matches) && $matches[1] == $_POST['lngfile']) { // Got it! $found = true; $_SESSION['language'] = $_POST['lngfile']; break 2; } $dir->close(); } if (empty($found)) unset($_POST['lngfile']); } else unset($_POST['lngfile']); // Set the options needed for registration. $regOptions = array( 'interface' => 'guest', 'username' => $_POST['user'], 'email' => $_POST['email'], 'password' => $_POST['passwrd1'], 'password_check' => $_POST['passwrd2'], 'check_reserved_name' => true, 'check_password_strength' => true, 'check_email_ban' => true, 'send_welcome_email' => !empty($modSettings['send_welcomeEmail']), 'require' => !empty($modSettings['coppaAge']) && !isset($_POST['skip_coppa']) ? 'coppa' : (empty($modSettings['registration_method']) ? 'nothing' : ($modSettings['registration_method'] == 1 ? 'activation' : 'approval')), 'extra_register_vars' => array(), 'theme_vars' => array(), ); // Include the additional options that might have been filled in. foreach ($possible_strings as $var) if (isset($_POST[$var])) $regOptions['extra_register_vars'][$var] = '\'' . $func['htmlspecialchars']($_POST[$var]) . '\''; foreach ($possible_ints as $var) if (isset($_POST[$var])) $regOptions['extra_register_vars'][$var] = (int) $_POST[$var]; foreach ($possible_floats as $var) if (isset($_POST[$var])) $regOptions['extra_register_vars'][$var] = (float) $_POST[$var]; foreach ($possible_bools as $var) if (isset($_POST[$var])) $regOptions['extra_register_vars'][$var] = empty($_POST[$var]) ? 0 : 1; // Registration options are always default options... if (isset($_POST['default_options'])) $_POST['options'] = isset($_POST['options']) ? $_POST['options'] + $_POST['default_options'] : $_POST['default_options']; $regOptions['theme_vars'] = isset($_POST['options']) && is_array($_POST['options']) ? htmlspecialchars__recursive($_POST['options']) : array(); $memberID = registerMember($regOptions); // If COPPA has been selected then things get complicated, setup the template. if (!empty($modSettings['coppaAge']) && !isset($_POST['skip_coppa'])) redirectexit('action=coppa;member=' . $memberID); // Basic template variable setup. elseif (!empty($modSettings['registration_method'])) { loadTemplate('Register'); $context += array( 'page_title' => &$txt[97], 'sub_template' => 'after', 'description' => $modSettings['registration_method'] == 2 ? $txt['approval_after_registration'] : $txt['activate_after_registration'] ); } else { setLoginCookie(60 * $modSettings['cookieTime'], $memberID, sha1(sha1(strtolower($regOptions['username']) . $regOptions['password']) . substr($regOptions['register_vars']['passwordSalt'], 1, -1))); redirectexit('action=login2;sa=check;member=' . $memberID, $context['server']['needs_login_fix']); } } function Activate() { global $db_prefix, $context, $txt, $modSettings, $scripturl, $sourcedir; loadLanguage('Login'); loadTemplate('Login'); if (empty($_REQUEST['u']) && empty($_POST['user'])) { if (empty($modSettings['registration_method']) || $modSettings['registration_method'] == 3) fatal_lang_error(1); $context['member_id'] = 0; $context['sub_template'] = 'resend'; $context['page_title'] = $txt['invalid_activation_resend']; $context['can_activate'] = empty($modSettings['registration_method']) || $modSettings['registration_method'] == 1; $context['default_username'] = isset($_GET['user']) ? $_GET['user'] : ''; return; } // Get the code from the database... $request = db_query(" SELECT ID_MEMBER, validation_code, memberName, realName, emailAddress, is_activated, passwd FROM {$db_prefix}members" . (empty($_REQUEST['u']) ? " WHERE memberName = '$_POST[user]' OR emailAddress = '$_POST[user]'" : " WHERE ID_MEMBER = " . (int) $_REQUEST['u']) . " LIMIT 1", __FILE__, __LINE__); // Does this user exist at all? if (mysql_num_rows($request) == 0) { $context['sub_template'] = 'retry_activate'; $context['page_title'] = $txt['invalid_userid']; $context['member_id'] = 0; return; } $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request); mysql_free_result($request); // Change their email address? (they probably tried a fake one first :P.) if (isset($_POST['new_email'], $_REQUEST['passwd']) && sha1(strtolower($row['memberName']) . $_REQUEST['passwd']) == $row['passwd']) { if (empty($modSettings['registration_method']) || $modSettings['registration_method'] == 3) fatal_lang_error(1); // !!! Separate the sprintf? if (preg_match('~^[0-9A-Za-z=_+\-/][0-9A-Za-z=_\'+\-/\.]*@[\w\-]+(\.[\w\-]+)*(\.[\w]{2,6})$~', stripslashes($_POST['new_email'])) == 0) fatal_error(sprintf($txt[500], htmlspecialchars($_POST['new_email'])), false); // Make sure their email isn't banned. isBannedEmail($_POST['new_email'], 'cannot_register', $txt['ban_register_prohibited']); // Ummm... don't even dare try to take someone else's email!! $request = db_query(" SELECT ID_MEMBER FROM {$db_prefix}members WHERE emailAddress = '$_POST[new_email]' LIMIT 1", __FILE__, __LINE__); // !!! Separate the sprintf? if (mysql_num_rows($request) != 0) fatal_error(sprintf($txt[730], htmlspecialchars($_POST['new_email'])), false); mysql_free_result($request); updateMemberData($row['ID_MEMBER'], array('emailAddress' => "'$_POST[new_email]'")); $row['emailAddress'] = stripslashes($_POST['new_email']); $email_change = true; } // Resend the password, but only if the account wasn't activated yet. if (!empty($_REQUEST['sa']) && $_REQUEST['sa'] == 'resend' && ($row['is_activated'] == 0 || $row['is_activated'] == 2) && (!isset($_REQUEST['code']) || $_REQUEST['code'] == '')) { require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Post.php'); sendmail($row['emailAddress'], $txt['register_subject'], sprintf($txt[empty($modSettings['registration_method']) || $modSettings['registration_method'] == 1 ? 'resend_activate_message' : 'resend_pending_message'], $row['realName'], $row['memberName'], $row['validation_code'], $scripturl . '?action=activate;u=' . $row['ID_MEMBER'] . ';code=' . $row['validation_code'])); $context['page_title'] = $txt['invalid_activation_resend']; fatal_error(!empty($email_change) ? $txt['change_email_success'] : $txt['resend_email_success'], false); } // Quit if this code is not right. if (empty($_REQUEST['code']) || $row['validation_code'] != $_REQUEST['code']) { if (!empty($row['is_activated'])) fatal_lang_error('already_activated', false); elseif ($row['validation_code'] == '') { loadLanguage('Profile'); fatal_error($txt['registration_not_approved'] . ' ' . $txt[662] . '.', false); } $context['sub_template'] = 'retry_activate'; $context['page_title'] = $txt['invalid_activation_code']; $context['member_id'] = $row['ID_MEMBER']; return; } // Let the integration know that they've been activated! if (isset($modSettings['integrate_activate']) && function_exists($modSettings['integrate_activate'])) call_user_func($modSettings['integrate_activate'], $row['memberName']); // Validation complete - update the database! updateMemberData($row['ID_MEMBER'], array('is_activated' => 1, 'validation_code' => '\'\'')); // Also do a proper member stat re-evaluation. updateStats('member', false); if (!isset($_POST['new_email']) && $row['is_activated'] != 2) { require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Post.php'); adminNotify('activation', $row['ID_MEMBER'], $row['memberName']); } $context += array( 'page_title' => &$txt[245], 'sub_template' => 'login', 'default_username' => $row['memberName'], 'default_password' => '', 'never_expire' => false, 'description' => &$txt['activate_success'] ); } // This function will display the contact information for the forum, as well a form to fill in. function CoppaForm() { global $context, $modSettings, $txt, $db_prefix; loadLanguage('Login'); loadTemplate('Register'); // No User ID?? if (!isset($_GET['member'])) fatal_lang_error(1); // Get the user details... $request = db_query(" SELECT memberName FROM {$db_prefix}members WHERE ID_MEMBER = " . (int) $_GET['member'] . " AND is_activated = 5", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (mysql_num_rows($request) == 0) fatal_lang_error(1); list ($username) = mysql_fetch_row($request); mysql_free_result($request); if (isset($_GET['form'])) { // Some simple contact stuff for the forum. $context['forum_contacts'] = (!empty($modSettings['coppaPost']) ? $modSettings['coppaPost'] . '

' : '') . (!empty($modSettings['coppaFax']) ? $modSettings['coppaFax'] . '
' : ''); $context['forum_contacts'] = !empty($context['forum_contacts']) ? $context['forum_name'] . '
' . $context['forum_contacts'] : ''; // Showing template? if (!isset($_GET['dl'])) { // Shortcut for producing underlines. $context['ul'] = '                          '; $context['template_layers'] = array(); $context['sub_template'] = 'coppa_form'; $context['page_title'] = $txt['coppa_form_title']; $context['coppa_body'] = str_replace(array('{PARENT_NAME}', '{CHILD_NAME}', '{USER_NAME}'), array($context['ul'], $context['ul'], $username), $txt['coppa_form_body']); } // Downloading. else { // The data. $ul = ' '; $crlf = "\r\n"; $data = $context['forum_contacts'] . "$crlf" . $txt['coppa_form_address'] . ":$crlf" . $txt['coppa_form_date'] . ":$crlf$crlf$crlf" . $txt['coppa_form_body']; $data = str_replace(array('{PARENT_NAME}', '{CHILD_NAME}', '{USER_NAME}', '
', '
'), array($ul, $ul, $username, $crlf, $crlf), $data); // Send the headers. header('Connection: close'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="approval.txt"'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Length: ' . count($data)); echo $data; obExit(false); } } else { $context += array( 'page_title' => &$txt['coppa_title'], 'sub_template' => 'coppa', ); $context['coppa'] = array( 'body' => str_replace('{MINIMUM_AGE}', $modSettings['coppaAge'], $txt['coppa_after_registration']), 'many_options' => !empty($modSettings['coppaPost']) && !empty($modSettings['coppaFax']), 'post' => empty($modSettings['coppaPost']) ? '' : $modSettings['coppaPost'], 'fax' => empty($modSettings['coppaFax']) ? '' : $modSettings['coppaFax'], 'phone' => empty($modSettings['coppaPhone']) ? '' : str_replace('{PHONE_NUMBER}', $modSettings['coppaPhone'], $txt['coppa_send_by_phone']), 'id' => $_GET['member'], ); } } // Show the verification code or let it hear. function VerificationCode() { global $sourcedir, $modSettings, $context, $scripturl; // Somehow no code was generated or the session was lost. if (empty($_SESSION['visual_verification_code'])) header('HTTP/1.1 408 - Request Timeout'); // Show a window that will play the verification code. elseif (isset($_REQUEST['sound'])) { loadLanguage('Login'); loadTemplate('Register'); $context['verificiation_sound_href'] = $scripturl . '?action=verificationcode;rand=' . md5(mt_rand()) . ';format=.wav'; $context['sub_template'] = 'verification_sound'; $context['template_layers'] = array(); obExit(); } // If we have GD, try the nice code. elseif (empty($_REQUEST['format'])) { require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Graphics.php'); if (in_array('gd', get_loaded_extensions()) && !showCodeImage($_SESSION['visual_verification_code'])) header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request'); // Otherwise just show a pre-defined letter. elseif (isset($_REQUEST['letter'])) { $_REQUEST['letter'] = (int) $_REQUEST['letter']; if ($_REQUEST['letter'] > 0 && $_REQUEST['letter'] <= strlen($_SESSION['visual_verification_code']) && !showLetterImage(strtolower($_SESSION['visual_verification_code']{$_REQUEST['letter'] - 1}))) header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request'); } // You must be up to no good. else header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request'); } elseif ($_REQUEST['format'] === '.wav') { require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Sound.php'); if (!createWaveFile($_SESSION['visual_verification_code'])) header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request'); } // We all die one day... die(); } ?>
Bochenia Forum
Styczeń 13, 2025, 03:58:26 *
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